Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Look Ma...Tiny Pigtails

Let me start by saying, I have been waiting for this day to come - the day when I could finally post a picture of Gabby with her hair in two tiny pigtails on the top of her head. My understanding is that it took quite a bit of convincing from her teachers, which of course didn't work. So, they did Ella's hair, then Molly's hair, and Lola's hair and Mia's hair......then Gabby let them do her. Finally! Nothing like peer pressure to convince a girl to change her hairstyle.

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Monday, April 18, 2005

Oh Happy Day...er I mean, Oh Happy Week!!!

My ANNOYING co-worker is gone for the ENTIRE week! Just think of all that I will be able to accomplish on my own. Without Annoying Co-Worker's so called "assistance."

The halls have never been this quiet. People can actually finish their own sentences. No annoying chuckle or "I am right, you are wrong" banter. No ghastly smell of beef stew wavering from her desk. No annoying British radio stream-lining from her speakers. No more walking on egg shells or whispering as way to protect my inner sanctity. No more gossiping half-truths or embellished stories deserving of an academy award for best imagination.

Yes, Life is good again.

It is as if the clouds have parted and the songs of angels and harps are playing in the distance.

I shall relish these moments.

Well Hello There Little Fella...

So, Grandma Tina turns 85 years old today.

Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

I would have dedicated the title of today's post to you, but had to share a funny tidbit from yesterday's party. O.k. 2 funny tidbits:

Funny Tidbit #1:
It was supposed to be a surprise party, you know something Grandma had no suspicion of what-so-ever, likely resulting in her being startled as her enormous family yelled "SURPRISE" as she rounded the corner, a landmark birthday party for her to remember for many years to come....

A Surprise Party. A concept entirely foreign to a 5 year old.

Cute little Ronin just couldn't take the suspense, the waiting in angst. He just wanted the party to start ALREADY. So, being the ever so resourceful cutie pie he is, he rang Grandma's doorbell and led her to the side yard where we were all hurriedly preparing for the party. All I know is I heard my aunt Susie say "Oh, your here. Surprise!" A little anti-climatic but what the hay.

Funny Tidbit #2:
I just love Ronin. He has got to be one of the cutest kids on the face of this earth, and the things that pop out of his mouth never disappoint either. He is a natural comedian - with that beautiful amusing innocence that befits kids with a curious interest and active imagination. Amongst his other antics, he charmed me yet again last night. This time his verbiage was directed at Gabby. He walked over to her and said "Well Hello There Little Fella."

Little Fella.

Little Fella clearly wearing girl clothes because, well, she is a girl.

So I let Ronin in on a little secret, Gabby is in fact a girl and not only that, she is one of the few female cousins he has. Yes, Miss Gabs is a girl surrounded by bigger male cousins, all of whom I expect to protect her from bigger kids in the playground for years to come. Of course, she has proven time and time again (often against these same cousins) that she can take care of herself. But, I expect their protection none the less.

Back to Ronin.

Upon hearing that Gabby is in fact, a girl in addition to being his cousin, he quickly corrected himself "Well Hello there Little Girl. Little Gabby Girl." and did a quick "coochy coochy coo" tickle on her chin. And with that, he was gone - off to another adventure no doubt.

The look on Gabby's face was priceless. It was her deadpan stare. Then she looked at me as if to say "Get a load of this kid. What is up with him???!!!"

Oh family celebrations. Always at least one good laugh when my family gets together. At least nobody puked yesterday and Ronin didn't parade around with his pants down around his ankles while he searched for toilet paper like he did at Gabby's birthday party! None the less, it was still a party, only slightly cleaner this time around.

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