Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!!!
For my Dearest, Sweetest Gabriella:
Last year on this very day, you were born. It was the most magical, most wonderful, most important day of my entire life. As I held you for the first time, I was filled with the purest love I have ever felt. From that moment on, that love has grown deeper and deeper, more so than I could ever imagine. I shall never forget the ticking of the clock that day, or the time I first held you, or the first time I gently kissed your beautiful face. I will never forget the first time I heard you cry, or the beautiful tears of joy falling from my eyes once I realized that you had arrived safe and sound. I will never forget your father BEAMING with pride as he held you, or Jo Mama smiling with relief once you cried and pinkened up. I will never forget Aunt Rosie's smiles as she held you close or Uncle Nick's excitement as he came into the hospital room to see you for the first time. I will never forget the beautiful tree Grandpa planted - every time I see it I am and will forever be reminded of that day. The memories of that day are so very wonderful to me.
You have had a wonderful day playing and shopping with Rosie, having lunch with Mommy, sharing birthday cookies with your friends at school, sliding down the slide with Mary and posing for countless pictures to appease your Mom. I hope that each and every one of your days is as bright and as beautiful as today has been. It has been a day filled with love.
You, my sweet precious Little Bit, are the most amazing thing. Sometime next week, I plan on taking the time to write my memories of that day down for you in a letter. I also plan on posting an update of what you are up to these days. But for today, I am just cherishing the joy of you. I find myself flashing back to the happenings of one year ago today and a rush of emotion fills my heart. The memories of worry and then celebration are so fresh in my memory. My life changed when you came into it. It will never be the same again. How can it? It has been brighter and more wonderful ever since.
So, Happy Birthday sweet girl!!! I love you always and forever.
Your Mommy.