Peanuts are Evil
Gabby had an allergic reaction to peanuts Saturday without even ingesting an actual peanut. Her absent minded mother offered her a few bites of a drumstick ice-cream bar. I figured it would be ok because I had already eaten half of it, including the peanut and chocolate topping. I was wrong.
Turns out the ice-cream had enough contact with the peanuts to cause an allergic reaction. At first, Gabs was just pointing inside her mouth and whining as if she wanted a drink or something. I offered her some of the sprite I was drinking, but she acted as if the straw hurt her mouth. So I got some water in a glass for her to sip. She just spit it out. A few moments later, I noticed bright red streaks around her mouth and chin. Upon a closer look, I could see the start of hives! We gave her benadryl right away and watched her really close. I didn't call the doctor, which is odd seeing as I seem to call the doctor for just about any and everything. I just trusted that the benadryl had worked and Gabby was soon off to sleep for the night. Then yesterday I thought that I had better call the doctor to let them know what had happened so they could add it to her chart.
If you cannot tell, I was exhausted pretty much the entire weekend. My husband went to Mexico last week and flew in around 11 pm Friday night. We spent Saturday working in my mother's yard and watching Gabby and her cousins. Yesterday we went to 2 different parks trying to find ducks that wanted to eat our bread. BTW, did you know that there are pelicans in Utah? We saw one. Kind of strange. Back to me being tired - single parenthood for the nearly 5 days my husband was gone did me in. Add that to a jam packed weekend, and you have a parent who nearly poisons her daughter with something she knows she shouldn't have and then fails to call a doctor after the fact. Sleep. Need. Sleep.
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