Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Catching up...

Wow! Has it really been over a month since my last post? Where has this summer gone!

I will tell you that nearly every single day has involved some sort of activity revolving around water. At least as far as Miss Gabs is concerned. She is either playing with the hose, a watering can, her kiddie pool or a pot filled with water and a measuring cup to play with. Her favorite activity is still tormenting poor Bella. She loves to splash Bella nowadays. And obviously we are going to need a larger pool next year - one that can fit Gabs, Bella and Allie. They all love getting wet.

In other news, Gabby attended her first wedding of the summer - she has already attended 2 wedding showers. It seems my family will be experiencing 3 weddings and funeral. At least the funeral is over with and wasn't unexpected. The first wedding was that of my cousin Megan. She looked beautiful and it was at Jeremy Ranch near Park City. The mountains were just gorgeous. It had its moments, as all weddings do, but Grandma boogied so all was well.

And of course our own dancing queen hit the floor too! Amazing what a 16 month old girl can get adults to do. Need proof? Look no further.

That's right. That is my mother and aunt dancing away with Gabs. She kept them busy. The other highlight of the evening was my mother shouting to my husband "Oh....this is a latin song" in an effort to try to get him to dance. Only thing is, the song was You Spin My Right Round by Dead or Alive. Gotta love my mother.

But, before all the dancing, there was lots of playing with the three amigos. Here they all are getting ready to break on outta there on a golf cart. Before you report us for putting our children in the cart of danger you should know that the keys had been removed from the cart. We weren't born yesterday afterall. My father being the golfer, we know all about the dangers of golf carts - afterall my brother once rolled one and my sister drove one right into my father's mercedes after having too many glasses of champagne at a tournament. She was maybe 14. Dad was not pleased. Either time.

Two weeks from now will be wedding number 2. This one is another cousin who will be getting married in my Aunt's backyard. My sister, sister-in-law and myself have been asked to help with the flowers. Originally we were doing all of them, but now it sounds like we are just doing table arrangements which is fine by me.

The third wedding is later in August in Golden, Colorado. This will be Gabby's first road trip and I admit I am anxious. I am not sure if my husband will be joining us or not. Regardless, I plan on leaving in the afternoon in the hopes that after a stop for some dinner, Gabby will sleep in the car as I cross Wyoming. What a dreadful drive that is. There are 2 highlights....a tunnel near Rock Springs and a band of windmills west of Laramie. That is it. Nothing else really to talk about. My best drive across Southern Wyoming came just after my aunt's funeral - I was sick as a dog and slept in the back of my other Aunts Toyota Sequoia from Laramie to Evanston. I tell ya, drugged into a lullful sleep is the way to go. Gabby won't be drugged, but hopefully will be in a lullful sleep at least part of the time!

It will be strange to attend this last wedding. My uncle is getting remarried. I am very happy for him. I know that he has had a very rough road through my Aunt Mary's cancer treatment and after her death. It will be good for the boys to have a mother figure in their life too. My deepest fear is that we will lose touch - so I just have to make sure that does not happen!

Gabby is now 16 months old. This post is a bit late as she turned 16 months on July 10th, but she has 3 molars, a wider vocabulary, shimmies on cue, is running now, loves to give kisses and is cuter than ever.

Now for the big news:

WE ARE FINALLY GOING TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We broke down and bought our tickets. So Gabby, as well as myself, will FINALLY be meeting the rest of our family! I absolutely cannot wait for this. My mother and sister are going with us and I think it will be lots of fun. There is so much to do and see, but most of all I am very anxiously awaiting the opportunity to hug each and every member of the family in Guadalajara. And I am even more excited for my husband to finally be able to present his American family to his Mexican family. What a wonderful moment that will be!

I promise to post some pictures soon!


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