Wow. I haven't been here for nearly two weeks? Really? Where have we been you might ask? Don't be envious when I tell you this, but we spent a lovely 9 day visit in the sick ward at home. That's right. Mom and baby were sick YET again. Granted, Gabby definatly got the worst of it this go around.
It started with a call from school on Friday the 14th informing me that Gabs had a fever of 101.2 and that I should come and get her. Now we had stayed home Monday and Tuesday that week because she didn't feel good, which is why I was at work on Friday trying to make up some time (thank you Ms. Boss for being so accommodating, kind and understanding of my limited sick leave!!!). After a call to the pediatrician it was determined that Gabs should come in that afternoon to be checked by the Nurse Practionter. Don't get me wrong...said Nurse Practioner is a very nice lady. my two visits with her, I have found myself wondering about how much my voice has been heard, know what I mean? She diagnosed Gabs with a "raging ear infection" in one ear and a moderate ear infection in the other ear. Lovely. No wonder she felt so crappy. And to fight this evil infection, she prescribed the evil Amoxicillan yet again. Never mind the fact that last time most of it was spit out and that which was not spit out caused nasty diarrhea, a subsequently painful diaper rash and tiny little red marks on her chest and back.
I found a Pharmacy that was willing to spike that medicine with whatever sugary flavoring I chose (no margharita flavor? come on!) and administered the first dose VERY SLOOOOWWWLLLYYY. So far so good. Next morning rolls around and she spits it out. By Sunday, it was causing projectile vomiting. By Monday, we were back at the doctors weighing our options. We could try another oral medication or go for a round of "very painful" shots last three days. Apparently the medicine for these shots must be mixed with LIDOCAINE because they are so painful!!!! Being the loving, protecting mother that I am, I of course opted for the other oral medication. Instead of 6 mLs twice a day, she only need 1.5 mLs!!!! And, it was yummy strawberry flavor that she gobbled up. AND I only need to do it for 5 DAYS as opposed to 10 with the amoxicillan. This was never mentioned as an option with the Nurse Practioner. GRRRRR.
Now that we are done with all the doses, Gabs is back to her old, happy self. Moral of the story number one: always try to see the Dr. not the Nurse Practioner seeing as Gabby's doctor likes to listen to me. Moral of the story number two: Just say no to amoxicillan!
My cold is still lingering, but let's face it - it has been here since Thanksgiving and doesn't look to be going anywhere fast. Gabs has been the hit of school since returning. There are two new little babies in her class. Technically she is now one of the big babies even though she is still less than 18 pounds. She has been a regular chatterbox too. Her only complaint lately stems from another nasty diaper rash. I tried to let it air out twice in the past two days like the books say to do and you guessed it, each time she managed to pee. Ah the joys of mommyhood. Wouldn't trade them for all the tea in China.
To rectify the situation, each time Gabby looked at me with a stare of disbelief that that could happen and then proceeded to cry at being wet. Bless her little heart. In the meantime, Bella the dog looked on lovingly as if saying "Don't sweat it kid. It happens to the best of us." Thanks Bella.
Other than that, life is moving too fast. I cannot believe that it is nearly February. Could time just slow down a bit already???? SHEEESH!!!!