She Said "Hi"
Last night as I comiserated on the phone with Jo Momma, I noticed Gabs grabbing for the phone. Naturally, I instructed Jo Momma to talk to her daughter's daughter (she is still shy about the whole being-called-Grandma-thing and although she loves Carter, Evan and Gabby to death is also shy about the word "Grandchildren" - they are Carter Evan and Gabby instead). As I held the phone to Gabby's ear, her eyes lit up and then she blurted "Hi." Then she babbled and handed the phone back. I was stunned. "Did you hear that?" I asked. "I am pretty sure she just said Hi to you Mom!" Jo Momma replied "She DID!"
That is it. Gabby is amazing. Admittedly, she may not have even known what she said and she may not have meant to say "Hi" but to me, she is now and always will be amazing.
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