Tuesday, June 14, 2005

To My Dearest Gabriella

Last Friday you turned 15 months old. I am in awe at how fast this has happened. You used to be so tiny and now here you are, 20 pounds and 29 inches tall bouncing all over the place. You have 9 teeth and cut your first molar a few weeks ago - and I think you may have 1-2 more on the way, poor Little Bit!

You have been trying your hand at running lately - well kind of running, perhaps more like brisk walking. You still tumble some, but your balance gets better each and every day. You enjoy practicing going up and down stairs too. And, we have discovered that you are a climber! You will try to climb up pretty much anything. When it comes down to it, you are a very active girl - always on the go and very, very busy. It is no wonder that you get so exhausted in the evening.

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You have now enjoyed 2 weeks worth of swimming lessons and I must say that you take after me in that regard - we are both Pisces and very much little fishies in the water! You love splashing around and are very good at holding your breath when we do our 'ice cream scoop' moves! Last Saturday, you also tried to blow bubbles under water - and you did pretty good up until you tried to think about it too hard!

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Your first visit to a swimming pool was the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Me, you, your Papa, Grandpa, Nick, Jody, Carter & Evan all went to the pool together. You and your sweet little cousins played and played and played.

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At first, you were a bit timid in the water, but you soon warmed up to it. Then you had no fear - and that was when I was suddenly feeling fear myself! You literally started falling into the water, jumping around, sliding under the surface over and over again. Aunt Jody and I were shocked - and never more than a quick grasp away from you! It was fun for all of us to go swimming all together, and I know that Grandpa had a good time too!

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You are also plugging along in the Creepy Crawler class at school. A few of your former classmates from the Bumblebee class have moved up to the Creepy Crawler class now. Actually, since you have already been there a few months, you might be considered one of the bigger babies - even though you are probably still the smallest in your class! Now you have Conrad, Lola, Zander, Autumn, Ryan, Hailey, and Molly in your class. Your best buddy seems to be Autumn. When I came to pick you up for your well-baby check-up last week, I arrived to find you and Autumn giving each other hugs and kisses. It was very cute!

Now that the weather is better, you have become my little helper in the garden. You even have your own shovel to play around with! You help me plant, weed and water. You also stop to smell the flowers and steal my heart yet again each and every time you do that.

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You are singing up a storm. Your favorite song is "The Ants Go Marching One By One" and you repeat "ooruh, ooruh" over and over again. In fact, when your Dr. announced that you were healthy at your visit last week, you shouted "ooruh, ooruh." After I translated that to Hoorah, Hoorah she was quite impressed. You also like "If Your Happy & You Know It" and "Ring Around the Rosie."

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As usual, you still love bubbles and request them frequently. You also say Mom, No, All Done, Hi, Hello, Baby, Milk, More and last night you tried to say "octopus" when I was reading your book to you. It came out ottopuh, but I knew what you were saying. Your weakness lately seems to be Ruffles Potato Chips. We have to avoid the chip aisle at the store because you reckognize the packaging and insist upon having your own, opened bag before any additional shopping can commence.

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I could go and on with all of your achievements. You are a very smart girl and seem to learn new tricks daily. You have the best comedic timing as well - I swear that you understand all of our conversations and add your 2 cents regularly! You love playing with Allie and Bella, and especially enjoy teasing poor Bella at every opportunity. But, I think Bella likes it when you tease her because she certainly plays along!

You are still nursing at night and on the weekends, especially when you need to be comforted. I have decided that so long as you and I are comfortable with this who cares what anybody else thinks. I would like to take the cue from you to know when you are ready to stop. So far, ear infections and molars have not left much opportunity to begin weaning. But, that is ok. In all honesty, I enjoy bonding with you and snuggling you while you nurse. It is our special time together and will continue to be as long as you need it to be.

Each and every day I am reminded how very lucky I am to be your Mommy. There is nothing more important in my life than our little family. Even though times can still be tough, money is sometimes scarce and life can be hectic at times, I remind myself that I am very blessed because I have all the riches in life with you and your father.

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You Miss Gabs are my shining star filled with love, life and laughter. I am so very humbled and proud to be your mother. I love you pumpkin.

Your Mama


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