Saturday, March 19, 2005

I survived a day with the 3 Amigos....

Yep. That is right. I watched the three amigos all by myself yesterday and have survived to tell about it. At first, I panicked when my brother asked me to be there at 9:15 am to watch Carter and Evan. My understanding was that the plan all along was for me to bring Gabby over and watch all three of them the evening of March 18. I thought no sweat - there is dinner, play time and then bedtime. Easy enough, right????

Then I found out I was to watch them ALL DAY LONG. THE THREE AMIGOS - CARTER, EVAN & GABRIELLA - ALL BETWEEN THE AGES OF ONE AND TWO. . . ALL BY MYSELF!!!! Holy cow. I immediatly called for back-up in the form of my sister. Of course, she flaked to snowboard. Regardless, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Lunch of course was a DISASTER, but believe it or not, I somehow managed to get all three of them down for a nap at the same time!!! Don't ask me how, because I honestly think it was just some fluke of nature or the stars were all aligned in my favor or something. Regardless, we had fun and we all survived. WOO HOO!!!!


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