Thursday, March 03, 2005


Let it be known to all that my mother, Mama Jo, does in fact refer to her children's children as "grandchildren." She does, however, still dislike the term "Grandmother."

There you go Mom. Happy now? I have clarified your opinion on placing the word "grand" before other words. And by the way, I never accused you of disliking your three little grandkids. After all, it is obvious by the way you smile whenever you see, hear or smell them that you truly love the Three Amigos. And how many people would gladly give up their Saturday - or even better, a vacation day - to babysit? Not many I tell you. Yes, we know that you love your kids and their kiddos very much.

Now on to tackle the whole "Grandmother" issue. I looked up some definitions on and here is what I found - NOTE: there were multiple definitions, so I simply chose those that best apply to our own Mama Jo:

grand ( P ) Pronunciation Key (grnd)adj. grand·er, grand·est
Wonderful or very pleasing: had a grand time; Having higher rank than others of the same category: a grand admiral; Having more importance than others.

moth·er ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mthr)n.
A woman who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures a child.

grand·moth·er ( P ) Pronunciation Key (grndmthr, grn-)n.
The mother of one's father or mother; A female ancestor.

Now why do you suppose the definitions of "grand" and "mother" lose a bit of their appeal when they are added together? I don't get it. But, I will tell you that I think of you in the "grandest" sense. So maybe you should begin calling yourself a Grand Mother. Not grandmother. But Grand Mother. Think about it. What better thing is there in the world then having such a titled bestowed upon your character?


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