So Cute I Could Just Gobble Her Up!
"She is so cute I could just gobble her up!"
I have never really understood this phrase. It just so happens that my Grandmother is either a very hungry woman or a big fan of tongue-in-cheek phrases with twisted meanings because she can often be heard repeating those words to Gabby. In my mind, I can't help but wonder how Gabby would feel if she only understood the exact meaning of the words her Great-Grandmother frequently says to her. Surely it would cause lifelong scarring and endless nightmares about being gobbled up whole. The whole image is downright frightening in my personal opinion, but I digress.....Where was I?
Ah yes, sitting here at work on a pump break, connected to my best friend the breastpump reminded of my little bit's latest display of cuteness this morning. Before I continue, I must clarify that this breastpump really isn't my bestfriend, far from it actually. In fact, I hate it. Luckily, I have my own office in which to enjoy this working/breastfeeding mother's right of passage. Others aren't so lucky and must trek off to the restroom to enjoy this mundanly-bovinelike act. I am not so sure we would have made it to 11 months of breastfeeding if that were the case in my situation. But, again I digress....
Back to Gabby being cute enough to just gobble up.
This morning, I experienced my first of many daily My-Child-Is-Simply-Amazing moments at the un-gahdly hour of 4:35 am. My "little bit" as I have been calling her lately had re-positioned herself into a most complex looking position next to me in the bed. She was laying on her tummy, head twisted to the right, knees pulled underneath her, legs flaring out like a frog, with both arms flailing out by her sides. I recall thinking in my Oh-My-God-It-Is-WAYYYY-TOOO-EARLY-To-Be-Awake mind that this must be a mark of genius, either that or a mark of a natural born yogi. Regardless, I sat in amazement at the fact that my child could get herself into such an unnatural looking position, let alone sleep in it. Then my thoughts were rather rudely interrupted by a ruffled chorus of snoring.
Her's. Not Mine.
This was a sound that caused Bella the dog to not only wake and sit up, but also tilt her head and look from the baby and back to me with face of puzzling concern. Mind you, my little bit truly is a little one. At 18 pounds, she is still hovering around the 10th percentile. But my goodness does she have some lungs, and apparently she also has some pretty powerful snoring abilities as well. Abilities that I fear she has inherited from my side of the family. Lucky, Lucky Girl.
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