That's right. I got busted. At work. Not in the way you are thinking either.
You see, a bunch of us are connected on the network to each other's iTunes librarys. Some of my co-workers have been foolish enough to list their shared library's under their actual names. The reason I call this foolish is because we now know which of our co-worker's have soft spots for Liza Minelli singing show tunes and those who miss the big-hair-mullet-loving songs from lifetimes past.
However, I was not going to be identified and in my brightness decided to name my own shared library with a name that wasn't assigned to me by my mother. No, my iTunes shared library was titled Mamacita's Musica. No way anybody was going to label me by my music choices.
Then I was out nearly two weeks with sick Gabby. Apparently in my absence the department was abuzz with who Mamacita was. My first day back, I heard somebody shouting in the hallway for "Mamacita" and naively figured something was amiss with one of the foreign students taking English classes down the hall. Then, a nosy co-worker with too much time on their hands burst into my office (luckily I wasn't pumping as they wandered in and out of each office demanding an answer) and boldly asked if I was in fact, Mamacita.
I wish I had a good poker face. Now the office knows that I am the mismatched music whore Mamacita with Bob Marley, Jane's Addiction, Ben Harper, Norah Jones, U2, James Brown, Ozomatli, Santana, Grateful Dead, Prince, and assorted Latin Jazz songs in my library. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
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