Thursday, January 13, 2005

Our Black Eyed Pea has yet another tooth!

I was wrong in yesterday's post. Gabby isn't just cutting one new tooth but two new teeth! Both on the bottom, one on each side of the two center teeth that were already there! No wonder she been constantly sucking on her lips and literally biting on everything within reach! This also explains her non-stop runny nose. And the moodiness....good lord.

Last night she would be giggling then in tears over the slightest change in atmosphere. Seriously. She was sitting there happy as a clam shoving her peek-a-blocks into the giraffe's mouth. Me, being ever-so-helpful, eyed another peek-a-block across the room under her chaise lounge (yes, she has a big, purple chaise lounge. deal with it.) and brought it over to her. From the expression on her face and the cries that later ensued, you would think that I had just triggered the end of all things good and true! Either that or eaten the last cheerio on the planet.

In all fairness, cutting a tooth can't feel all that great. Add that to the fatigue of playing all day with her friends at school and a stuffy, runny nose and who wouldn't be upset at the presentation of a new peek-a-block? That is my Gabs. Little Girl, Big Attitude - Bless her sweet little heart.


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